Our Story

Two years ago, Sleepless Sisterhood was just a name, and it is very scary (and exciting!!) to introduce to the world what is so personal to me. I have wanted to start my own business for about six years, but I could never really land on what that business would be. I have spent many hours asking "Why not me?" and "If they can, why can't I?" I have seen a lot of loss in my life, especially in the last year, and if I have learned anything, it is that life is too short to keep asking these questions and that I can't keep looking back and wondering, "What if?"

I had never really considered myself a creative person. I admired art, fashion, and design, but I didn't see myself as a person who was capable of creating something on my own. Yet, I have always been drawn to completing little design tasks here and there. Over the last couple of years, I have been expanding on a part of myself and fully embracing my creative side. I felt like I lost myself a little in motherhood, and now, I think I have actually found a lot of myself. I want to connect with other mothers and help them find themselves too. So, I see you out there, Mama. Sleep-deprived but loving every second of it. Let's spend some time together, and I hope I can help you find something to rock your mama life in.

Sleepless Sisterhood is a one-woman show. When you ask about products, email about a return, or comment on a social media post, you will always interact with me: a mom of three in a small town in Ohio. What this means for you is that I am all in for you. Sleepless Sisterhood's brand and reputation is my brand and reputation. When you are shopping online at my store, you can rest assured that you will get that small town boutique feel and dedicated service.